The Creative Ability Hub
Where Your Creativity Shines
PHONE: 0438 666 261
The Creative Ability Hub
ABN: 48 194 176 961
Offering one-on-one art tuition for people with disabilities.
Providing support to attend arts events.
Teaching artist’s techniques using quality tools and materials.
Providing creative writing support.
Jacqueline Read
Owner of The Creative Ability Hub
Practicing visual artist, illustrator & writer, providing creative experiences to people with a disability.
Bachelor of Arts Degree, Graduate Certificate of Creative Industries, Certificate IV Direct Support.
Bundaberg QLD
One-on-one visual art and creative writing tuition at The Creative Ability Hub studio is available by appointment only.
Support and one-on-one art tuition by appointment.
Drawing and Pastel

Develop your drawing skills. Learn how to see like an artist and how line and shading create form and depth in your drawing. Get colourful and explore different pastel painting techniques.
Acrylic Painting

Learn the different ways acrylic paint can be used, from watercolour style washes on paper, glazing with acrylic mediums to thick Van Gogh style impasto painting on canvas.

Watercolour painting can be tricky and using quality materials makes all the difference to the result. Learn how to use its unique qualities to create beautiful artworks.
Mixed Media

Pair watercolour with ink, oil pastels with watercolour, acrylic with oil pastels on paper, charcoal with acrylic on paper or even collage with paint and inks.
Make art and let your creative abilities shine.
Gain confidence as you play and learn new skills, increase mindfulness, improve motor skills and maybe even discover an avenue to create a future income.

Art tuition, creative experiences and creative writing support can be arranged by appointment with Jacqueline Read in her capacity as tutor and/or support person.
Important Information for NDIS Participants
The benefits of engaging in arts practice can assist people with a disability to achieve their goals. Participating in art activities can improve social capacity. Finding common ground through art expression and appreciation enables people to step out of their comfort zone and engage socially.
Participants who have a goal to improve independence may choose to engage in art as skills development in order to develop a professional arts practice.
Participating in visual art activities provides participants with the motivation to push through physical and mental discomfort to continue to engage in an art project. Therefore visual art activities can:
Assist with emotion regulation
Encourage task initiation
Improve balance, mobility and fine motor skills
Enhance connection between mind and body through creative mark making
Reduce anxiety as it encourages mindfulness, focus and a state of creative flow
Build social capacity.
As your tutor at The Creative Ability Hub is a qualified support worker, there are a number of support items in the Core Budget and Capacity Building Budgets, appropriate to fund your participation in one-on-one art activities at The Creative Ability Hub.
However, the NDIS may pay for art as an activity if arts practice is beneficial specific to your disability, if the activity is considered necessary and reasonable and if it is written into your plan by your Local Area Coordinator (L.A.C.). This can be achieved by putting in a request to your L.A.C., outlining how arts practice will benefit you. It is not necessary to wait for a plan review.
Having this additional funding approved will allow you to attend group art workshops while being supported by your usual support person or you may choose to engage your art tutor as your assistant during workshops. If there is enough demand, The Creative Ability Hub may hold small group workshops for those people who have this funding.
The Creative Ability Hub
About Us
The Creative Ability Hub is currently accepting self-managed and plan-managed NDIS participants (NDIS registration is pending).
Jacqueline Read is a practicing visual artist, illustrator and writer with over four years’ experience providing art tuition and support to people with a disability.
Qualifications include Certificate IV Direct Support (disability), Bachelor of Arts Degree, Graduate Certificate of Creative Industries, Disability Services Yellow Card and Blue Card (working with children)
Get In Touch
Enquiry Information
Please email us with the title ‘ENQUIRY‘ in the subject line and a staff member will get back to you.

PHONE: 0438 666 261
Open Hours
Monday – Friday: By appointment only.
Weekends: By appointment only.
Holidays: Closed.